Use "variance|variances" in a sentence

1. We use this estimate and its variance to estimate absolute density, absolute abundance, and their variances.

2. Equality (or "homogeneity") of variances, called homoscedasticity — the variance of data in groups should be the same.

3. Explanation of variances This section provides space for institutions to comment on significant variances.

4. Supplementary information on significant variances

5. The main variances resulted from:

6. Homoscedasticity (the shock variances are constant).

7. Progress report and explanation of variances :

8. Variance (Est

9. Are there any zoning variances pending?

10. Explained variance

11. with a variance

12. Progress Report and Explanations of Variances 7.

13. Calculated estimate variance

14. (c) variances between estimated aid and aid applied for.

15. VARIANCE(value; value

16. In probability theory and statistics, a Covariance matrix (also known as auto-Covariance matrix, dispersion matrix, variance matrix, or varianceCovariance matrix) is a square matrix giving the Covariance between each pair of elements of a given random vector.Any Covariance matrix is symmetric and positive semi-definite and its main diagonal contains variances (i.e., the Covariance of each

17. The traditional variance estimators and two robust variance estimators proposed by Royall and Cumberland (R.

18. A secondary cloning approach was used to partition C effects variance from genetic variance.

19. Managers are held accountable for budget variances, and are rewarded/penalized accordingly.

20. The variance of the duration

21. Consistent performance with some variance

22. The evaluation is carried out with help of analysis of variances.

23. Variances between total authorities and actual spending will be discussed later.

24. Among all the variances in agriculture, Agronomy occupies a pivotal position

25. The variance of the biased estimator was always smaller than the variance of the unbiased estimator.

26. I'll try shifting the phase variance.

27. Acceptable variance is the range of variance in any direction from the ideal value that remains Acceptable

28. Contestations: variance of opinion on a matter

29. We are at variance about our lodger.

30. I could detect subtle variances in fragrance as we strolled through the garden.

31. Boxlight Corp's variance in analysts' estimates is …

32. Variance from best practices of other donors:

33. All these experiments showed significant lower variances for the latencies compared with variancies of amplitudes.

34. Contestations: variance of opinion on a matter.

35. My ideas are at variance with his.

36. Some showed quite a lot of textual variance.

37. Reduced percentage of variance between budgets and expenditures

38. This idealistic concept is at variance with reality.

39. Weights were taken as the inverse of the estimated variances of the actual age-standardized rates.

40. A stacked memory allowing variance in device interconnects.

41. Variance based adaptive block size dct image compression

42. The Spirit reconciles men who were at variance.

43. The purchasing department is then responsible for the purchased price variances from the supply base.

44. The greater efficiency of using doubled haploids was due to doubling of the additive genetic variance and the elimination of dominance variance.

45. Governance structure fully functional 6. Ongoing outreach between partners and missions established Comments on Variances:

46. Results were analysed by repeated measures analysis of variance.

47. Anova[data] performs a one-way analysis of variance

48. But at a greater variance than your other answers.

49. These conclusions are totally at variance with the evidence.

50. Main factors affecting financial resource (analysis of variances, by class groups at aggregate level)

51. Due to partially different variances, covariate correction was applied to analysis of the data.

52. All other variables contribute to the total variance 42%.

53. Besides, her explanations were at variance with church teaching.

54. It also reduces variance and helps to avoid overfitting.

55. Schedule variance (SV) = Earned value (EV) – Planned value (PV)

56. The relative variances of the heterozygote frequencies ordinarily were lower than those of the homozygote frequencies.

57. To allow wide variances without justification would lead to the erosion of equal and effective representation.

58. This theory is at variance with the known facts.

59. is an international magazine, it is inevitable that variances in terminology will arise from time to time.—ED.

60. Variances may also arise because of differing acts, regulations, operating policies and procedures among jurisdictions.

61. Bagging is used when the aim is to reduce variance.

62. Analysis of variance revealed no significant differences between the days.

63. All data obtained were subjected to an analysis of variance.

64. The results are often at variance with the clinical diagnosis.

65. Many of his statements were at variance with the facts.

66. Parties need Arbitrators and mediators who understand the intricacies, vulnerabilities, and variances of their cases and industries

67. The analysis of variance showed some differences between both groups.

68. The VARA() function calculates the variance based on a sample

69. There has been some unusual variance in temperature this month.

70. Jill and Sue are at variance over/about their lodger.

71. Sales Price Variance: The sales price variance reveals the difference in total revenue caused by charging a different selling price from the planned or standard price.

72. Differences between professional groups were checked with analysis of variance.

73. 4 The question of woman suffrage sets them at variance.

74. We shall refer to this as the minimum variance criterion.

75. 15 Traditional hedging analysis adopts variance as the risk measure.

76. No significant effects of distance were observed in analysis of variance.

77. The data were analyzed with a hierarchical analysis of variance model.

78. Autocorrelated Errors Relaxing The Assumptions However Variance of errors may be underestimated Variance of βˆ’s may be underestimated Confidence intervals may not be applicable Spurious regression e.g

79. How To Calculate and Understand Analysis of Variance (Anova) F Test.

80. The VAR() function calculates the estimates variance based on a sample